Our students are our real picture. They not only perform well in curricular activities but in co-curricular activities also. They remained winners in different sports activities at district, state and national levels. Two of our students remained winners in debate competition at zonal level. This competition was organized by Haryana Legal Service Authority.
Rules for Students
1 You should be always clean and neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all school days and on all occasions / functions organized by the school.
2. Pupils who are not properly dressed and whose general appearance does not confirm to regulations prescribed by the school, may be sent back home by the Principal.
3. It is strictly forbidden to throw anything out of place and at anyone.
4. No shouting or whistling is allowed in the school premises.
5. It is necessary that pupils must obey the monitor appointed by the class teacher to maintain discipline during his/her absence from the class.
6. Non-Sikh boys should have their hair trimmed at regular intervals.
7. You have to be punctual and regular in the school and join the morning assembly. As the bell stops, ensure that you are in position at the allotted place.
8. Observe order and decorum befitting the occasion.
9. You must not bring any sharp instrument to the school.
10. You must not lend or borrow money or other articles from your fellow students.
11. The school will not be responsible for loss of books, money and other valuables brought by you to the school. However, every effort will be made to recover the things lost, if reported to the Class Teacher or the Principal immediately.
12. You are expected to be polite, courteous, respectful and well-disciplined inside and outside the school.
13. You must take care of your school property. No student should scratch or spoil any school furniture, or write or draw lines on the walls or in any other manner damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident, either by you or by anyone else, should be reported at once to the Class Teacher or to the Principal. Any damage done will have to be made good either individually or collectively
14. It is compulsory for all children to converse in English as the CBSE syllabus stresses on student competence to speak confidently and fluently in English. A student must speak in decent language all the time. He must ensure that his speech is courteous and polite.
15. Smoking in and around the School campus is prohibited and will call for severe punishment.
16. Students will Not leave the School without permission during School hours.
17. Students will Not go to restricted areas, grounds, empty class rooms, secluded areas, behind buildings, when class is on and without permission.
18. Bullying and Ragging. Participation in any incident of bullying and ragging will be considered a serious offense and would call for severe punishment. Students will report any incident of bullying and ragging to the teachers immediately.
19. Prohibited Articles. School reserves the right to question the child or check the School Bag for any prohibited articles. If found, the same will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken. The prohibited articles are listed below:-
- Chewing Gum
- Valuables like ornaments, fancy watches, mobile phones etc
- Tobacco products, alcoholic drinks or any banned food item.
- Digital gaming, video screening gadgets, obscene material, cameras and music players
20. Leave of Absence. A student must not remain absent without prior permission of the Principal. A leave application is to be submitted for the same.
- If a student remains absent due to illness or emergency even for a day, the parent must inform on phone as well as record in the School Diary
- If the absence is more than three days, leave application is to be submitted
- Leave will not be granted on reopening or closing day of a term or examination days. For all students, 75% attendance is compulsory to appear in the final examination held at the end of the academic year.
- Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 6 consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of fresh admission fee at the discretion of the Principal.
21. Withdrawal.
- Parents have to give one month’s notice for withdrawal of their wards, failing which a month’s fee in lieu of the notice will be charged.
- A student can also be asked to leave the school on any of the following grounds:
(a) Indiscipline and misconduct even after repeated instructions
(b) Use of unfair means in assessment
(c) The school authorities reserve the right of expelling any student whenever necessary in the interest of the institute